If your ferrets like to examine your bin of recyclables under the sink
every morning, please remember to toss only safe recyclables in it.  Do
not use the bin for such things as cans with sharp metal edges such as
tuna fish cans or for wide-mouth glass jars that a ferret can get its head
stuck in.
If you use the recycling bin with your ferrets' safety in mind and if the
bin is small enough, your ferrets can enjoy seeing what's new in it each
day, poke around among the stuff, and make bumpy noises under the sink.
Oh, and don't forget to check the recycling bin if you know it's empty
and you can't find one of your ferrets.  You may find your ferret sleeping
in it!
Alice Barrett
Fannie Bright Barrett and Farrah the Ferrett Barrett
[Posted in FML issue 2971]