I adopted Misty from a couple and she was the only ferret too, boy lot of
flying poop and screaming.  For the first 6 months no one could come near
her and now she sleeps with them plays and starts fights with them too.
Ruby has claimed the bath tub as hers to sleep in and poop in (litter box
is in it) she don't steals socks, she steals shoes, slippers!  anything
that is in a shoe form.  Ruby is getting better at not screaming fighting
with everyone, so maybe she will sleeping with them soon (I hope so!) When
we left the other kids home, 2 years ago by themselves Bandit and Tazz
finally ended the feud with the boys and sleeping in the boys cage when we
came home.
We had someone come in and feed and clean litter boxes while we were gone.
On a sad note, we are leaving for Vancouver Washington on Wednesday, as I
have lost my brother 2 weeks ago and my sisters and I just found out last
Thursday, that he was gone so the memorial is this Friday.  So I will have
a Ferret person come in while we are gone, to feed and clean the litter
pans.  Maybe Ruby will be good friends with the other kids when we get
back.  My heart and prayers got to the ones who has loss their loved ones
or who are sick.
At least I can get to read the FML while I am down there, I don't think I
can stand the withdrawns from it.  I surely miss my babies while I am gone.
Marie and Jim and the 8 Wonderful Fur Kidlets
[Posted in FML issue 2960]