Hi all
Things here have been kinda status quo.  I went by my hidey hole and it
seems that my flannel nightgown is missing.  I wonder if this puter thingy
can trace dat.
A little girl came in today.  She said her name waz Gracie.  She seemed to
be a little hairy for a ferret.  I asked her about dat and she said dat she
waz a ferrt.  We went on a tour of da place.  She waz interested in da
Fruit Bar but she said she wanted to try out her new wings.  So off we went
to da Flying Lessons.  Set her up with a teacher and she waz soon soaring
away long hair a flying.  She said to tell her mommy dat she is in no pain
here and dat she luvs her.  She sends lots of cuddles.
I am going to track down Soly and Noelle.  I think they have my nightgown.
I think I am going to have to whip a couple of kits and teach them who is
boss here.  Gotto go.
By BYe
[Posted in FML issue 2959]