Californians, help make ferrets legal!
The CA Fish & Game Commission is voting whether to remove domesticated pet
ferrets from the list of prohibited wild animals.  At the same time, the
Senate is considering a bill to grant amnesty to ferrets already living in
the state.  Your letter will make a difference.
I have put a copy of the CFL Wanted poster up at the website (link below).
It features a sad little convict ferret asking for letters to the Governor
and State Senators.  There is also a link on the Beach Boyz* home page to
information about writing to the Fish and Game Commission.
Please download the poster, print it out, copy the F&G info onto the back,
and put copies anywhere you think ferret lovers, animal lovers, or freedom
lovers might find them.
Please, get the information, write the letters, get your friends, family,
vet, pet shop, and anybody else you can think of involved.
Thank you!
The Beach Boyz*
surf on over to
Californians for Ferret Legalization:
Get & use the CFL Wanted poster:
[Posted in FML issue 2959]