I just got back from Dr. Weiss' office.  He said one of my Ratty's (7.5
years, adrenal) kidneys seemed enlarged and she is getting a test for
kidney disease (among other things).  I cannot find any information on
this; can someone please point me to it?  I am trying not to get overly
upset here but it is hard.
To make my vet visit worse, there was a woman who had brought her ferret in
to put him to sleep; he had had a stroke and was not going to get better.
I lost it right there in the office and I ahv been bawling ever since (in
the examining room with Dr. Weiss, the car ride home, right now as I am
writing this...) I just cannot handle this sort of thing at all, which I
why I cannot read most of the posts here.  I would really like to be more
supportive to those who are dealing with illness and death, but here I
am...3 hours of crying...and I would be like this on a daily basis if I
read this whole list.  If I had to deal with what the rescuers among us
deal with, I don't know that I would make it.  So please forgive me for not
being able to be more actively supportive and thank you all for the help
and support you have given me any time I have asked.  Ferret people are
definitely unique and very special...just like our beloved fur babies.
love Ann & Guida (Ratty)
[Posted in FML issue 2958]