Last night I was watching Friends (only occasionally) and then another
show came on called "Jessie" that I have never seen before (I usually tape
Frasier, but last night I did not go to the pool tournament).  Anyway,
Jessie's boyfriend comes back into town with a mustache and when Jessie is
commenting to her friends about it (she does not find it attractive) she
tells them "it looks like he ate half of a ferret".  Now I know this is
negative press, but I did find it interesting that ferrets were mentioned.
It could have been a cat or a dog.
Well, thought I would mention it.
I spoke with my vet today about ADV, and he is going to do some more
research on it (knows what it is but has not seen any cases of it).  We
both discussed that there haven't been incidences around here, but he is
going to call and see how much lab tests are.  He is a great vet.  I need
to know how much a "descenting" surgery is from others on this list.  What
have you all paid?  I know it is more complicated than spaying or neutering
but how much more expensive should it be?  I paid $60 total for each ferret
to be fixed (including exam and anesthesia) and now I am being told it is
around $200 for descenting.  Just curious what others have paid.  I don't
think $200 is too much, just want to compare with other areas.
Tomorrow, I am FINALLY taking pictures of the cage and then I will send
them to Erin to put up on her site.  Sorry this is taking forever but I had
to borrow my parents camera because my flash is broken.  Some of you
emailed me wanting to see it, it will happen but be patient.  Thanks in
advance to Erin :)
[Posted in FML issue 2957]