I want to thank all of you again (and in case I missed anyone) for your
kind words and cards about my little Emily's passing.  Monday was so hard,
but I am doing much better now remembering the cute things she did.  She
was the first one up pacing at the door of the cage when she heard my voice
and it was time to be let out (even when she was sick).  She was just too
cute!  It just amazes me the support and compassion of the people on this
list and we have never met.  Thanks Sandee for making sure that Emily met
up with Rowdy and Wheeler.  I'm so glad I joined the FML and I don't know
what I would do if I didn't have ferrets (even with all the heartache)!
Mary, Rob and The 13 Munchkins (still missing Emily)
[Posted in FML issue 2957]