Our four cats and Layla, our remaining ferret, get along extremely well.
One cat, in particular, actually plays with Layla, and the reverse.  You
can hear them running back and forth upstairs during the day.  Once in a
while there will be a squeak or meow as one of them becomes a bit
aggressive and nips.  But no overt meanness on either part.  The other
cats simply ignore Layla.
Our son and daughter-in-law live in Columbus, OH, and periodically visit
one a month.  They have a kitten, Lyle, who, as soon as he enters the
house runs to Layla's cage and sticks his paw through the bars to shake
her hidey-hole (in a pair of cut of jeans stuffed with soft blankets) to
wake her.  Then the two race back and forth like long lost cousins.  There
is no question at all about Lyle's intentions.
Who says animals don't remember?
Al Wiebe
[Posted in FML issue 2956]