Hi, fellow FMLers.  It's been a while since I've posted.  I hope this
message finds everyone safe, healthy and sane.  My manuscript has been
submitted at last (AGAIN!), and I'm being promised it will hit the shelves
by October.  Only a year late.  Besides the rotten, stinking, stupid title,
I think it turned out pretty well.  I have a few weeks to add a couple
sections, which I think I may (anal gland impaction, Aluetian's and
Eosinophilic gastroenteritis).  Don't know if I'll get a third wind to
actually do that, but that's my intention.  Thanks to those of you who
helped me along the way.  I have a couple months before the FINAL shelter
listing appendix has to be submitted.  If you've made any changes in the
last couple months, e-mail me privately.
It's been a very rough year for me personally, which got me thinking.  In
13 months I've lost 10 friends to death.  All were very dear to my heart.
4 were very young people and their deaths very unexpected.  2 deaths
happened within the last week (1 just yesterday morning).  I'm "waked"
out and physically, emotionally, and spiritually (sometimes) bankrupt
these days.  Just darn tired.  Two or so weeks ago I went in for a routine
check-up.  Now I have a doctor hounding me to go for more tests to rule out
the "Big C".  I'm 32 years old.  And I have 130+ critters that count on
me every day.  Needless to day, I have not made that call to make the
appointment.  I'm scared and also a procrastinator.  Heaven knows if it
was a ferret with an abnormal "whatever" he or she would be rushed right
into the clinic.  Ain't that always the case???
My USDA inspector had me make provisions for each of my critters long ago
in case something should happen to me.  I also make mention of that type
of thing in my book.  Critters are frequently the last thought of during
times of illness and death.  I sometimes wonder how many animal people out
there have good solid plans for their babies=85..  At a shelter I once
volunteered at, it was common to get in poor old dogs and cats whose owners
died and had no where else to go.  Makes me very sad to think about - but
I'm also glad to know I have a few people who are committed, ready and
willing to provide homes to my/their "designated" critter(s) should I
On another note, I always have wonderful fuzzies up for adoption at Animals
for Awareness (Illinois).  We have 30 furkids now.  Eight are my personal
babies - the rest are up for adoption, but most have been with me forever,
and they certainly aren't being pushed out the door!  But they need more
than I can provide at this time.  All ages, many wonderful personalities.
Some with special needs.  All blue ribbon babies in my eyes.  E-mail me if
Sorry for rambling.  Those of you who know me know I rarely post, but when
I do... everything comes out.  Take care, everyone, and kisses to your
Kim Schilling
Animals for Awareness a USDA no-kill sanctuary
Dedicated to the rescue of exotic animals
Come join our new Onelist!  Procyanid_Viverrid
For the raccoon, coati, kinkajou, ringtail cat, genet, civet, and binturong
[Posted in FML issue 2947]