Mary, about your ferret Funny-Face.  Do take this serious concerning his
testicle not being dropped down as of yet.  I have seen this a few times in
the past and 1/2 the time the testicle is just about 1 inch up higher then
the other and many times can be felt and easily removed by your DVM.  But
there has been a few cases when it is in the rib area, at times it has
been safely removed and other times has to be left because of where it is
located.  Hopefully you will have an EXCELLENT DVM remove this soon, I feel
the sooner the better because breeding season is just around the corner and
we don't want the boy to come in season for this would not be a good thing
to happen at his time.  I am sure you will so what is best for this
wonderful animal.  At am not a DVM.
Blessings to you and your ferrets!!!
[Posted in FML issue 2956]