I have raised ferrets for something like 12 years.  The first few years I
made a lot of mistakes, no record keeping, no contracts, no follow up.
Then I began keeping pedigrees, made up a sale contract, began to keep
track of my ferrets after they were sold.
Then I got a computer.  I found a breeder's program to keep detailed
breeding information in, make and print pedigrees, work out the inbreeding
co-efficient, do proposed breedings, etc.  I began designing web sites for
fun, mostly about my ferrets.  I discovered several mailing lists about
ferrets.  Then more web sites, more mailing lists....more....more...more!
Now I have realized that I have become addicted to this cyber world of
ferrets.  I have had as many as 13 web sites, literally 50 some odd mailing
lists.  I spent hours on line reading about dead and dying and sick
ferrets, people wanting to give up their animals, people flaming other
people because of their views, the hysteria of ECE, now ADV.  At first I
reacted to defend my good name and tried to show that I was a "good
Suddenly I realized that I was giving way to much importance to a very
small segment of the ferret world, they were actually able to pull strings
and make me dance to their tune!
So, slowly I am making my way back to sanity.  I have removed all but one
of my ferret web sites.  That one I will maintain for the enjoyment of it.
I will make it informational and fun....I will enjoy it again not look at
it as a job which has to be done.
I am dropping all but a very few mailing lists that I have friends on.
Ones where I can discuss ferrets in a rational manner.  Ones where our
differences matter and are not a bone of contention.
I have begun to realize that the cyber ferret world values itself and its
opinion way to highly.  The ADV and ECE hysterias have shown just how much
power a few people wield simply by acting like they know everything.  I
have been condemned for being different!  For that I thank you!  I always
held the difference was what made people interesting.  While caught up in
the cyber world I almost let myself be forced into the common mold.  Thank
you, Bill Killian, for saying I do things differently.  That is the
greatest compliment you could possibly give me, although you did not mean
it that way.  It woke me up!  I will once again walk....no dance...to a
different drummer!  I will take the time to enjoy my ferrets, smell the
roses, raise a few wonderful litters and go back to being myself.  Thank
you Thank you
Judith Moon, the now proud owner of a different kind of ferretry
Moonsong Ferrets
[Posted in FML issue 2956]