Hello everyone,
First please let me say to Deena, that I did not take your comment as any
kind of slam or question of how my shelter is run.
Since its been brought into view, I want to say that I agree with Deena.
Don't just take it for granted that a shelter is a good shelter simply
because they're a shelter.  Loving Ferrets has many more of the "bells
and whistles" than we do, they have a much larger, fancier home, with a
professionally made sign in the front, and a gorgeous new van with
professional lettering, and at first glance, im sure that Linda Rodriguez
looks much more mature and knowlegable than I do.  So, sure, if this person
arrived at your home to pick up your ferrets with the promise of giving
them a good home, why wouldn't you believe her?
My suggestion is that you ALWAYS check out any prospective shelter, whether
you're adopting or surrendering.  In person.  If you're surrendering, don't
bring the ferret, or don't let the shelter know that you have the ferrret
with you, until you're satisfied.  I know i've had people come down to
visit, and say, "oh im not bringing the ferret this time, Im just coming
to check you out", only to be bringing that ferret in from the car after
seeing that our shelter is clean, and the ferrets want for nothing, other
than homes.  I'd much rather see that, than the countless phone calls I get
to "just come get it, I don't want it anymore".
Thank you for everyone who said such nice things about my shelter.  I know
that my house is a mess.  MY house.  NOT the kennel room.  I am not a
supertidy person, so cluttered is a compliment to me.  But, the cages are
always clean, the floor is always scrubbed, and the ferrets are always
loved.  Thats as good as i'm going to get.  You're not here to adopt a
dirty dish in the sink, so please don't try to count them. :)  You'll be
here too long!
I'll be sure to post next Wednesday and let you know how the case against
Linda Rodriguez went.  For those of you who missed the entire story, its
still on my website at www.kistaferret.com/rescue.html
Please help us help the ferrets by visiting Igive at
We receive $2.00 for every new person who signs on, and its totally free
to help us.  Thank you from the ferrets.
[Posted in FML issue 2956]