Hi all my fellow ferret lovers,
After reading the post about Kista Ferret Rescue Shelter I felt I had to
post..I adopted my two ferrets from Kim in 1998 and found the shelter to be
extremely clean and all of the fur kids had nice hammocks and very clean
cages.  There was fresh food and water and kitty litter in every single
cage.  It was very clean and warm and loving there.  Nothing has changed
at all I.  was just there this past end of December when I left my babies
with Kim to watch my three ferrets while I was at my daughter's wedding
in Toronto.  ..everything was clean and warm .  All of the ferrets looked
healthy and all that I played with seemed clean and happy.  All had food
and water and extremely clean cages.No waste was in any kitty box at all..
I know you cannot please every single person but for a shelter KiSta is
a very good shelter..Yes it is kind of crowded for space but all of the
ferrets have play time and are taken out of their cages and loved..As soon
as you walk in there you can feel the love and see once you meet Kim and
Stan that they love their work and the ferrets are well taken care of and
I would have no qualms to adopt again from Kim and will as soon as I get
past my own sadness of losing my Bandit this past Monday morning..so please
why dont some of you who live in New Jersey take a ride on down there and
visit the shelter and post what you saw..a nice warm and loving shelter...
My prayers are with all of the fur kids who are ill and those who have
crossed over..
and thanks Sandee for letting bandit have his t shirt..it was very
comforting to know he is doing well...
hugs to all,
Michele,Fabert and Ratbert missing their *brother*Bandit
[Posted in FML issue 2956]