I have four ferrets, and figured that would be my limit financially.
However, just before leaving work today someone told me that the coworker
with the ferret "doesn't want it, never takes it out of its cage, and is
more or less just hoping it'll die." :( I've talked with this lady before,
and I know she's had this ferret for a while now - she "inherited it" from
a family member or friend, and I suspect she's just become bored with it.
The ferret has been completely bald ever since she's had it, so I suspect
adrenal.  Could it be anything else?
I hate the thought of that ferret never being played with or anything, and
I'm thinking about taking it in, but I need some questions answered first.
My ferrets are healthy - no problems.  What's involved with an adrenal
ferret, if that's the reason it's bald?  Would it need surgery or
medication?  How expensive is that?  Special diet?  What if this ferret
isn't up to date on its shots--what's the risk to my ferrets?  How long
would it need to be kept separate from my crew after getting shots, etc.,
before I know it's safe to integrate them?
I don't know the sex or age of this ferret, and will probably check on
details with the owner, but would like some facts from this list before I
get myself into too much here.  I'm behind on the FML, so please e-mail me
direct.  Thanks!!!
Debbie, Becky, and the fab foursome: Brae, Templeton, Sally and Phoebe
Remembering Jamie - with us such a short time, but special because she
was our first
[Posted in FML issue 2955]