It is with much sadness that the Oregon Ferret Shelter has put itself into
self-quarantine due to a recent outbreak of distemper in the shelter.  A
stray was picked up about 3 weeks ago and quarantined, but developed signs
of distemper.  The animal was euthanized by the vets recommendation.  All
ferrets were all vaccinated at the shelter prior to his arrival.  Dr Garner
of ZooPath Pathology Lab stated that it is an unusual strain of distemper
and that all vaccinated animals should not have gotten distemper.  We have
had 9 ferrets come down with the virus.  He also stated that the animals
that got the virus could have been given a bad batch of vaccine.  If your
ferret is due a vaccine within next few months it is recommended that you
consult your veterinarian regarding an early revaccination.  All ferrets at
the shelter were revaccinated.  Feel free to call if you have any further
questions.  Chris Mathis 503-557-8369 or e-mail me privately at
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[Posted in FML issue 2955]