Yesterday's Sydney Morning Herald (8/2/00) featured an article on its back
page (probably most commonly read page after front page) of one of the most
popular newspapers in Australia).
The article talks about how a policeman who was required to "arrest" the
ferret and take it to a containment facility was bitten in a rather
sensitive area of the male anatomy.  The police spokesman, Brian Swift,
described the incident as follows: " having described the ferret as "an
illegal alien", [police spokesman Brian Swift] went on to explain that
"the ferret got itself out of the box and latched itself to a place of
undesirable intent on the police officer's person in the front seat.  It
caused him a certain amount of reaction and he is getting a lot of
sympathy, but also a lot of ribbing from his mates at this stage."
Apparently the ferret was scared into releasing its bowels and the
policeman had an accident (of the motor variety) as well.
I thought that you'd all appreciate the irony, as you may or may not know
that ferrets are "illegal" in Queensland and at least one ferret got its
own revenge.
According to the Aussie Ferret Lovers mailing list, many people in other
states have volunteered to take the ferret.
Dooks to all, and hoping that this fuzzie finds a new home,
Hope this fence keeps the fuzzies out
Quasi-Intellectual mother of Tabitha (Push, push, Look Mummy - I can open
your textbooks and check out the valency of Calcium) and Endora (I'm too
busy eating to care about such intellectual pursuits) and Mummy (Who has
to put all the textbooks back on the shelf.)
Georgina Barratt-See
Administrative Assistant
Grant Support - Research Office
Rupert Myers Building
Gate 14
University of NSW
Ph: 9385 7241
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[Posted in FML issue 2954]