I'm posting this sad message for one of our members of the Ferret
Adrenal/Insulinoma Mailing List (FAIML).  Michele was trying to find out
what more she could do for Bandit when this happened.  It's very sad, and
she was doing all she could and could obviously use everyone's support.
Michele, my thoughts and prayers are with you and Bandit.  Lynn
------- Forwarded message follows -------
 Date sent:             Mon, 07 Feb 2000 02:54:56  -0500
 From:                  "msperling" <[log in to unmask]>
 To:                    "Lynn McIntosh" <[log in to unmask]>
 Subject:               Re: Bandit died tonite :(
It is with a broken heart I tell all of my fellow ferret lovers that tonite
my beloved bandit died while having a seizure and being told from my vet
there was nothing I could do for his seizures but sit and watch him and try
once he was out of them to give him some food and water..Bandit was
diagnosed this past November with insulinoma and was on prednisone .75cc's
twice a day and proglycem .30cc's but still was having seizures since last
Tuesday .I had to go the my vet beause another ferret I own is very ill
with an ulcer and a mass on his pancreas and an enlarged adrenal and while
he was taking care of him I asked about bandit and he said there is nothing
I could do but sit it out and watch him seizure..I asked about surgery and
he told me he could do it and I got the estimate and it was to have been
$300..I was going to call later to schedual it but now its too late..Bandit
is gone and crossed over the rainbow bridge..
To top it all of my computers hard drive died today and I am using a very
old one but do not have any email address so I cannot post on the FML or
the private emails I received today..so if anyone did has the FML address
to post please let me know ..I would like my extended FML family to know I
love you all for your love and support during this entire bad time I went
thru with Bandit..and I appreciate each and everyone who emailed me
privately..  I am glad I was able to receive this ferret list so I could
let all of you know Bandit is gone and my heart is broken..  and I first
have to call the vet to see the results for my other ferret and I
wonder..if I tell him Bandit died if he will even care??  since he told
me there was nothing I could do for the seizures and now its too late.
excuse me for sounding so angry ..I am at my vet beause if there is a vet
on this list is it true?  that for an insulinoma seizure there is nothing
to try to get them out of it..I watched for 5 hours tonite see bandit
convulse then scream so loud he woke everyone up and then ..first another 2
hours he convlused and screamed then died..and for a seiuzre that started
out with just staring and drooling there is nothing a ferret owner can do
but watch??  I find that very hard to belive..
Michele whose heart broke tonite at 2am...:(
[Posted in FML issue 2953]