Dear Bev Fox and others who may be concerned.
As you all know ADV is a virus and NOT a genetic disease.  DAF Nicaoldian,
White Russian's son and a ferret I've studded with has been tested Negative
Twice for ADV.  I fail to see the concern for my kits.  None of my Ferrets
have ADV and none of the ferrets I breed with have ADV so where is the
concern?  Honestly I believe people are being over reactive about this.  I
live on the other side of the coast from White Russian, and my kits will
never come into contact with him.  Where is there a concern?  Why should
there be a concern?
I for one am very Thankfull that it was anounced that white russian has
tested positive for ADV (anyone that reads anything about it would know
that 90% of positive tests are False positives.) That way I knew to ask the
breeder whom owns DAF Nicalodian if Nic has been tested.  I didn't go to a
list to question a bunch of people who could not possibly know if he or the
kits had been tested.  And I would aprisiate in the future if people with
any questions would come directly to me with any questions and not to a
list of people who for all purposes wouldn't have a clue about it.  To do
otherwise would not only be slandering the breeder, but would also make
yourself look petty, small, and ill informed.
Thank You
Dawning Sky Ferrets
[Posted in FML issue 2952]