Hi everyone,
Some of you have written to ask the address again for the Commission.  Here
are the Commissioners' names and addresses.  Same letter will do for each.
Essentially, you need to remind the Commission that they have to decide if
the domestic ferret is normally domesticated in this state.  Of course it
is!  It's classified as domesticated by 155 zoos, zooligical societies,
the Smithsonian Institute, the Museum of Natural History and the Species
Indexing System upon which zoos worldwide rely.  It is legal in all of the
other states on the continent.  It should be legal here.
Here are the Commissioners' names and addresses:
Commissioner Theriot
Commissioner Chrisman
Commissioner Schuchat
Fish and Game Commission
1416 Ninth Street
Sacramento, CA 94244-4899
I would copy a letter to Bob Treanor at the same address.  He's the
executive director, not a commissioner but he should get a copy I think.
Good for you, please ask everyone to pledge 20 friends and family members
to write as well.
Some of you are clearly new to this issue.  I wish I had the time to
answer all of your questions but if you visit the website at
you can read about the history of our efforts both with the Fish and Game
Commission and the Legislature which are two different bodies.
Jeanne Carley
Californians for Ferret Legalization (CFL)
410 Mountain Home Road  Woodside, CA  94062
(650) 851-3750   <[log in to unmask]>
http://www.ferretnews.org-- CFL Website
For pure ferret fun, check out http://www.ferretcompany.com
or e-mail your address to <[log in to unmask]> for a free Ferret
Company Catalog.
[Posted in FML issue 2952]