Over the last week or so my two ferret Jill's, Biscuit & Kira have lost /
reduced there appetite.
I have tried a different diet ( Usual food is James Wellbelove Complete
Ferret Food ) but they don't seem to have the appetite.
We have recently experienced a very !!  mild winter, which makes me think
that Spring has come early.
They both seem fit and well, excellent coats, gleaming eyes... But the
concern is that Biscuit is drinking a lot.  I have checked over her body,
no lumps or bumps and no major discomfort around the stomach area, but
she doesn't seem to be using the " Toilet " too much.
Has anyone else experienced this in there fuzzies or can anyone shed any
light on the subject.  As I will not hesitate for a visit to the local
wizard, if no improvements !!.
Or am I over concerned, just like a father should be.....?
Sid & the girls.
[Posted in FML issue 2951]