Just had to write and wish three of mine happy birthday.Taz will be 4
Feb.14,Honey turned three Feb.4,and Sugar turned two in Jan,the baby of the
business.Happy birthday guys.Thanks for making my days full of fun and
Honey got to meet the foster Boris the other day,and she was less than
thrilled.Mind you he weighs three pounds and she's 1.3 lbs.  soaking
wet.She grabbed Boris by the scruff and started shaking,stopped,looked at
Boris not moving and started shaking again.She got so mad that she couldn't
move him she poofed.Final revenge,and it made him sneeze and look
pathetic.After removing the source of the chemical warfare,I sprayed him
with a coat conditioner.He certainly looked relieved.Needless to say,Honey
won't be visiting to often.
Sandy,Jasmine,Taz,Honey and Sugar
[Posted in FML issue 2951]