First of all, I must thank everyone who e-mailed me just before Christmas
about my itching ferrets.  My apologies for waiting so long to say "Thank
you all very much".  It turned out that they had ear mites after all.
(even though they had been checked less than a month before)
I need your help again.  I have 3 older ferrets (ages 5, 4, 3) in one large
cage.  In another big cage I have the 2 babies that i bought in August.  I
have been trying for over 2 months to get them all into the large cage
together.  I thought it would be a good idea to let them all out to play at
the same time so they could get used to each other.  BAD IDEA!  It's been
fight, fight, fight since they first saw each other.  Booker is the one who
gets the worst of it because he can't hear the others coming.  I realize
they are trying to establish the pecking order, but is there any way to
help the process along ?  No one is getting hurt except Booker and we've
had to keep him separate at times so the back of his neck can heal.  We've
tried using Bitter Apple on Booker's neck, but it doesn't help.  Does
anyone have any suggestions?  My son,Limejello, says to put them all in the
big cage and let them settle things for themselves.  Is that a good idea,
especially since Booker is deaf?  Am I too impatient?  I sure would
appreciate any input from the FML.
Bobbi and the Merry Masters of Mayhem
Rascal, Dickens, Calamity Jane, Angelica, and Booker
Many a child has been spoiled because you can't spank grandmas.
[Posted in FML issue 2951]