Amy MacNamara wrote:
>Jack: We had the two girls, & couldn't think of a boy's name for the life
>of us.  I suggested Jack, after Jack Tripper in "Three's Company" because
>we now had 2 girls & a boy sharing living quarters ;O) Also Jack is the
>name of a character on "Dawson's Creek" - I was suggesting names from all
>my favorite WB shows & Jason was like HECK NO we are NOT naming my boy
>after a WB show character...*teehee* I tricked him!
I believe that Jack is a good name for a ferret, and I can tell you why.
John Clute's massive "The Encyclopedia of Fantasy" (an excellent reference
work) has an entry on "Jack".  Mr. Clute, in an effort to invent a
brand-new language of criticism for fantasy, defines a "Jack" as an
everyman trickster figure (as opposed to trickster gods like Loki and
Coyote).  Fairy tales are full of Jacks, such as Jack of beanstalk fame
and Jack the Giant Killer (who used trickery to defeat the giants).  As
Mr. Clute puts it: "A Jack is nimble.  A Jack is quick." We all know that
ferrets are tricksters (and nimble and quick, for that matter).  I'd submit
that "Jack" is very appropriate for an everyferret trickster figure.
As far as names go, my girlfriend's two fuzzbutts are named Al and Peggy,
after the main characters of the old TV show "Married with Children".  I'm
not certain of any significance to this except that she liked the show.
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Any e-mail can reach me at the above address.
Paul E. Jamison
[Moderator's note: Unfortunately Boeing returns the FML every week or
two saying it is spam.  You'll see...  BIG]
[Posted in FML issue 2949]