I started sharing my life with ferrets, when my adopted daughter introduced
me to the loveable weasels.  She also introduced us to fancy rats, mice,
gerbels, hampsters, guinnia (sp?)pigs, etc.  and I have suffered many
broken hearts at the passing of each living and loving creature that God
has blessed us with.  I believe that we shall all be reunited with our
furry loved ones, as well as feathered loved ones and, oy vay, even our
humaan-bean loved ones.  For God Loves all of His Creation and will receive
it back to Himself.  It is written that "The Lion will lay down with the
Lamb" and I find it impossible to believe that He who is LOVE, would
allow His Creation's Creatures that express the joy of living and loving
to no longer exist.  We will see them again at the Rainbow Bridge.
I only pray that I am as good and my beloved fuzzies think I am.
Rev.Ronald L. Sims, D.D.
[Posted in FML issue 2949]