Hi, Heather,
I am sorry your Eddie has adrenal disease.  I am very concerned about what
your vet told you: that surgery only has a 50% success rate.  In this area,
with experienced ferret vets, the success rate is more like 90%.  I hate to
say this, but I think you have the wrong vet.
My ferret Kerr Avon had adrenal surgery, and just weeks later his hair is
growing back, he is gaining back the weight he lost, the aggressiveness has
stopped, and he seems 100% back to his old self.  The pathology report came
back, and his tumor was benign.  He will likely be a happy, healthy ferret
for many years to come, and the surgery, which cost me $467, was well worth
every penny.
My advice is to find a ferret vet experienced in adrenal surgeries and get
Eddie the care he needs.  He could easily live to be 7 or 8 or even 10, and
they two of you will enjoy each other's companionship for a good long time.
Good luck, and take care.
Caity and the energetic eight
(His:  Tenchi, Ryo-Ohki, and Lady Ayeka)
(Mine:  Adric, Romana, Nyssa, Pertwee, and Kerr Avon, the rebuilt weasel)
[Posted in FML issue 2974]