Hello everyone,
Thought you might be interested to hear about what the past couple of weeks
at the WFA shelter has been like.
First, lets start way back two week ago on Monday, Our Director,
Co-Director and a member took two ferrets to the Kingsgate Animal Hospital
in Kirland.  Michelle has adopted Goblin from our shelter back some months
ago.  After adopting him she found out that he probably has insulinoma,
and also has a severe bladder problem.  She had decided after many visits
to her vet that she needed another vets opinion of what is all wrong with
Goblin and if there is anything she could do for him.  Dr. Cohen checked
out Goblin and said that he only way he could tell for sure what was going
on was to have an ultra-sound done on Goblin  He quoted her a price of
aorund $180.00 for the Ultrasound.  So Michelle decided that she would go
ahead and have this done.  The ferret from the WFA shelter, Fifi was
brought in to see what he thought about the tumor on her tail.  Liane had
went to another vet and had a lab test done and found out that it was
non-cancerous.  This vet we felt should have went ahead and removed the
tumor ,but she chose not to.  Therefore, we felt that we should get another
vets opinion, because there was still infection in it and was not getting
better.  Dr. Cohen agreed with us that Fifi's tail whre the tumor was had
to be taken off.  The appointments were set up, Fifi would go in Wednesday
afternoon and be operated on Thursday, I would be picking her up, since
Liane and her family was headed to California for a long deserved winter
break.  Goblin would go in on Monday.  Well it ended up Fifi couldn't be
operated on because Dr. Cohen got sick.  On Monday Michelle, took Fifi and
Goblin both back to the vet.  Monday evening, when Michelle went to pick up
the ferrets, she found out that not only did Dr. Cohen do an ultra-sound
on Goblin, but also took a sample of the tumor that he found in Goblin's
prostrate glands and set it out to find what type of cancer it was.  When
she went to pay the bill for Goblin it ended up over $400.00.  Michelle was
not only upset to find out about all the tumors, she was also upset that
they didn't call her before they took the fluid out of Goblin to get her
permission to do it.  As for Fifi she is slow on the mend and I sure when
summer comes she will have fur over her tail, and will find a new new mommy
and daddy.
While Liane was in California, we rescued 2 ferrets from the Crossroads
Petco, that had been brought back because the owners were moving to
California and didn't want to try and sneak them into the state.  These are
two handsome males, One a Chocolate Mit and the other a Siamese Chocolate
Sable.  These two ferrets have already found a home.  One of Michelle's
friends is planning on adopting them.
Today, A very beautiful light Silver Panda, was brought to my home to be
taken to the shelter.  Her name of course is Panda, she is about 7 months
old.  the first owners had turned her over to the Animal shelter.  One of
the employees took her and found a home for her.  Panda's mom had her for
about 4 months and because she is moving in with a person that has a large
dog, that would love to have Panda for dinner, she decided it was only fair
to find Panda a home where she would be safe.  If anyone in Washington
would love to adopt Panda please get in touch with us.
This afternoon, Liane, Linda and I went to Bothell to pick up three ferrets
that acouple had to get rid of because they were moving to Spokane to live
with his parents and the parents said they could only take 3 ferrets with
them.  So they had to give up three of them.  The director was told that
the Dark eyed white ferret was blind because of a cat scratch.  Well, we
had no ideal what we were getting ourselves into.  When we got to the
apartment we found the poor ferret hiding in her blankets.  We pulled her
out ofher cage and found that she had a huge infected tumor looking eye
the size of a large marble.  We immediately called the closest vet we knew,
and was able to get her in to see the her.  Dr. Mitchelle could not tell
bylooking at the infected eye if there was an eye in the socket or if it
was gone.  So we had no other choice to leave her there so she could put
her to sleep and try and open the eye area to see what was behind it.  She
us later and told us there was no eyeball.  and that when she opened it
that htere was a very large amount of green infection in it.  Shehas had to
put drains in the area to try to get it to drain.  She has sent a smaple of
it to the lab to find out what kind of infection it is.  Depending on what
the infection is, If a type of gangrene has set in, it may have spread into
her sinus pathway and then into other organs.  We hopefully will be picking
up Emily, that her name on Monday.  We now have to take all our money out
of the shelter account to pay for this.  Please say a prayer for us that we
do not get anu more serious ill ferrets in the shelter that has to go
immediately to the vet and have surgeries.  ect.
Some good news we do have some Super Pet cages and other type of Petco
cages that have been donated to us that have not even been out of the
boxes that they came in.  So if anyone is looking for ferret cages in the
Washington area and can come to the shelter to pick them up, please contact
us.  We will be offering these cages at a much lower price then you could
get in a petstore.
Also if anyone is interested in adopting ferrets please contact me or Liane
so we can set up an appointment for you to visit our shelter.  As I said
we just rescued 7 ferrets this week.  A couple of light Silver Pandas, a
beautiful Silver mit.  Also a couple of ferrets that need to be neutered.
As for my ferrets well they are all happy and health.  Kodiac is getting
larger and beginning to look more like his father, Nicki and his
Grandfather, White Russian.  A couple of ferrets are beginning to shed
their winter coats.
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and the 25 tails wish you a happy spring!
[Posted in FML issue 2974]