Hello All,
Well, I am writing about my babies.  2 have been sneezing alot, they are
both sable and in seperate cages.  What could be causing such a awful
sneeze ?
Also, since I rescued my babies, my biggest boy, who could harly walk he
was so over weight, is now at a wonderful an active weight.  So playful
now, dooks all the time.  I took him out side with a harness on, he played
in the snow and loved it.  Now when ever he wants to go out, he scatches at
the door, or sits in the window and just stares.  I took him for a walk the
other day, and a neighbor walked by.  "Hmmm, that is one hefty ferret!"
They don't know the half of it...
All my girls were spay and are doing well, they have their strength back,
and love playing tag.
It's even funnier when my dog gets in the act.  He loves to play with the
ferrets, he and my big guy really have a blast.  My Chessie, who is 95 lbs,
throws himself on the floor, belly up, waiting to be bounced on.  He will
put his chin on their little bodies, and let them squirm out.  He is super
gentle with them, I am so thankful.  They like the suprise attacks the
best, like when he is sleeping on the couch, the will sneak up and bounce
on him, or run across his back.  You can almost here them say, Naa Naa Boo
Boo - You can't catch me !
[Posted in FML issue 2973]