To MJ and all others
The subject of euthanasia has come up quite a bit in our house and my
parents.  Dana and my mother especially have been discussing the fact that
so many write about how sick their animals are and how they are trying to
prolong the ferrets life.  (This is not a flame to those who just lost
Syd, I can understand the decisions you made)  Losing animals are the most
painful experiences I have ever had (Yes more painful than losing friends
and family).  The deaths where my family made the choice to have the animal
(always been cats)put to sleep have been the easiest losses.
There's a good feeling that comes from allowing an animal to have peace.
My mother and Dana have been dismayed at how many animals have been allowed
to die slowly.  So MJ you are not an animal killer anymore than the rest of
us are.  It's a painful decision to end an animals life, but when they stop
living it's the right thing to do.
Tysa, Dana, and the Havoc Wreaking Weasies
PS Princess Ashley Lynn still doesn't want much to do with "those ferrets"
She is under the belief that she is above them!  She is so smart we're
beginning to believe she's super ferret.  3 times I got up last night to
check on her.  2 times she had managed to get up on the window sill.  She's
determined to let the neighbors know we have pets (a no,no for the other
[Posted in FML issue 2972]