We are recovering from the loss of Syd and preparing for the loss of Moe,
the 7+ year old that we took in mid-January.
Moe has adapted very well to life with us, actually I think he has been
pretty happy with all the love and attention he gets nonstop around here!
But nonetheless, I have noticed some signs of him slipping a little
everyday.  Any experience on the following syptoms - his rear legs fail
occassionally, not all the time but every now and then he just about falls
over or is quite unstable; I noticed tonight he appears to have lost all
vision in one eye and is barely, if at all, seeing out of the other; and
the most unusal thing I've seen, he seems to walk kinda in a c-shape, with
his body curved so his front and back legs are to the right and his body is
to the left (make sense??).  His body is not in a straight line, but more
like a C.  He also shakes quite a bit even when curled up in my fleece
sweatshirt.  His body temp is normal, but he seems to be half freezing.
This is becoming pretty common, not just when he is waking up.  He is still
eating, drinking and looking for a warm lap.  he seems to get a little more
frail everyday, but he is still pretty solid.  He gets around, but not for
long.  We do now he has adrenal, but the vet feels at his age, we would do
more damage than good to treat.
I am not looking for reasons to put him down, but if anyone has seen these
type of symptoms towards the end of a fuzzies life, let me know.  I check
him first thing in the morning and when I get home from work.  Everytime,
I expect to find him curled up having crossed in his sleep.
Hugs to all the sick and old timers out there!
Jen and Gang missing our big lump Syd
[Posted in FML issue 2972]