Dooks to all, and my sincere condolences and prayers to all who have sick
or have lost their babies.
I have wonderful news.  Two weeks ago I saw a listing of a baby who needed
rescued.  I contacted the lady at the shelter and we talked.  Last Sunday
the hubby, the kid, and I drove to an adjoining state and met the rescue
people half way.  We talked at a restaurant for over two hours-what
wonderful, loving, thoughtful courageous people!  The lady told me she
almost turned around halfway there.  She hadn t gotten the baby early in
the week because she was afraid she (the shelter mom) would bond with her!
Well, she almost did in the 24-hour period they had her.  The woman who
gave this baby up didn t even bother to ask where she was going or to
whom she d be living with.  !*$&*^&^&(&() some people!
We took pictures of the Crew with us so they could see how ours were fat,
happy, sassy, and healthy.  Through a lot of tears the shelter mom gave me
the baby.  She gave the baby a wonderful fuzzy blanket and a sleeper she d
made for her.  When I talked to her that night to let her know everything
was going well she told me she d cried all the way home.  The shelter mom
asked that I not mention state or name for reasons known to her and
myself-nothing illegal here folks, just she wished to stay anonymous.  But
I can tell you this lady and her husband are two of the finest people that
walk and breathe!  She had too many ferrets and that s why she felt she
couldn t keep this baby, but she almost did!  We talked about almost
everyone here on the list (yep, she s an FML member, so I know she ll see
this---see I didn t say your name!!!!!)
So, I should like to introduce you all to Misty (this is a name change).  A
beautiful sable girl, maybe close to two years old.  She s working on
getting integrated with the rest of the Crew of Merry Mayhem.  Alix is in
the bilevel cage with her to keep her company.  Mookie is totally enamored
of her, and Calvin & Conan would like to be.  Socks, hey, he s like, oh,
another newbie, and goes off.  The ladies of the Crew, well, they tried to
show their dominance but Misty is to the point the get near her she screams
at them and jumps on them.  Of course, I m monitoring this totally.  I m
just working on them being out together for now as I m still weaning her
over to our food.
I saw the request for funny stories-so here s one.  Last night I decided,
after the Crew and Misty had their scream time and the Crew was in bed, to
balance the checkbook and keep Misty company.  Well, she was on the bed and
decided to assist me in this endeavor.  The calculator took a walk (slow
walk, so I wouldn t notice it) across the bed twice.  Then my pen got a
life of it s own and wanted to leave.  So, when she discovered they wouldn
t go with her, she came over, laid down on the register and read the checks
off to me .  I moved her a little and she rolled over and started playing
with my fingers.  Now, this is a little girl who had very little human
interaction whatsoever.  When she plays she just lightly brushes her teeth
against your fingers!  So, we finally got the checkbook balanced to her
satisfaction, and then she went to sleep, so it was time for Misty and Alix
to go to bed.
As for scritching .  Alix will literally fall over in ecstasy when you
scritch her.  You start at her head and just move down.  She falls over,
bumps up against your hand and if you quit to early, well, suffice it to
say looks could kill!  Kit loves to have you reach through the cage in the
morning and scratch her head, and so does Mookie.  He almost falls out of
his hammock.  The rest don t mind it, but they d rather be off and into
Jeanne-make sure Baby doesn t decide to get a perm in his hair, and Judy,
pray that Hope and Tyson don t decide to become W.C.  Fields and Mae West
and then turn Einy into Baby Leroy!
Rebecca & the Crew of Merry Mayhem
Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, for thou art crunchy, and taste
good with ketchup
[Posted in FML issue 2972]