I want to share something with you guys today.  About a year or so ago,
I ran into a Lady and her husband that live in Claremont,NC.  We went to
visit her one day as we were passing by.  She had 20+ ferrets and they were
free roam in her Spare bedroom.  They were all so pretty and healthy and
loving.  That was not what surprised me, Judy and I was surprised as we
givin the tour of the house, all the Ferret pictures hanging around on
the walls of her house.  And when we met her at the door, we noticed the
Beautiful T-shirt she was wearing.  She seen how we were looking at the
Pictures and all, and I asked her where she got them.  Well, she didn't
Buy them, she said that is her work.  She then pulled out notebooks with
pictures and sketches and drawings she has done.  Judy and I were floored
with this work.  She not only did Ferrets, but all animals.  She then told
us she does airbrushing and paintings.  Well, to get on with out rambling,
we asked her to do some T-shirts and sell them at the show last September.
At this point she had no Idea what she was getting into.  She sold out at
the show and had collected Orders for more.  She was so tickled, she cried
after the show.  I introduced her to the CEO of PineFresh Litter.  She is
designing a picture for all the Bags of PineFresh litter.  I have also
Given her a space on our web site for her work to be displayed.  Folks, If
I didn't think that her work was good, I wouldn't have done what I have
done.  She is Really good!!!  For the Ones that were at the Ferret Fair '99
you know who I am speaking of.  I haven't got her web site completed yet,
but in the next couple weeks I will, I am waiting for pictures to be
developed from her.  She came by the Shelter yesterday with some signs for
the April 29th show in Charlotte, and she had something that took my breath
away.  She done 4 Ferret Drawing on Glass.  This stuff took some time now,
and was soooooo Beautiful.  Anyway, I wanted to take a few mins of your
time to tell you to look at her work.  As I said, I don't have it displayed
on the site yet, but I have her page, and contact information, I do ask you
go to the page and bookmark it, and when it is launched, I will let you
know here on the FML.  If you plan to attend the Ferret Show 2000 in
Charlotte, April 29th, look for Sandi, and go say Hi to her, you wont walk
away empty Handed.
Judy & Gary Skinner
Western Carolina Ferret Shelter/Rescue & Club
3219 Oran Yount Lane
Granite Falls, NC  28630
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[Posted in FML issue 2971]