Last night after the Grammies we were getting ready to go to bed, which
meant putting the babies in their cage for bed.  I got 5 in bed no problem
and went looking for #6 and was unable to find her.  earlier in the evening
our neighbor came over wanting a cup of milk so I got him some and the only
fuzzie that was with me was PePe I thought.
So we started searching the house.  I went outside with the squeaky ball
and started calling for her it was raining and I was crying and going up
and down the street with a flash light looking for her and just dying with
every step.
Finally Louie made me come in and told me to calm down and we would go from
room to room and find her.  Then we let out Buddy to find her and he kept
going to the closet and I had just looked in there taking all the shoes
out, then I remembered once before she had climbed up my husbands bow case
and on his shirts and got on the top shelf where the blankets are.  And
guess what there she was sound asleep in one of the blankets on the top
shelf.  I was so glad to see her I cried for another hour and held her and
kissed her and just loved on her so much.  It started out bad but ended
Candy & The 6 Pillow Piranhas
[Posted in FML issue 2971]