To the anonymous poster with an ear mite problem.
Is this a ferret vet you are taking him to.  The only ear mite shot that
I've heard about was for dogs and it didn't always work.
However, there is something else that will work, and its not expensive.
My vet makes up a mixture for heartworms, this also takes care of fleas,
ticks, and any and all internal parasites as well as the ear mites.
I give my ferrets their heartworm medication once a month.  It costs about
$9 a year for one ferret.  Its simple enough that I can give it, but then
again, I've had major experience medicating animals of all sizes, so you
may want your vet to do this each month.
Compared to dogs heartworm meds, this is very very cheap.
Hope this helps.
[Posted in FML issue 2970]