Where my ferrets get scritched: (and BTW, scritching is the word we've
always used too, wonder where it comes from...)
Mira: Mira is a priss.  She doesn't like to be mussed, and she isn't a
"hold me" kinda ferret.  If you pick her up she will jump down, but she
does like to be close to you.  Her favorite spot is right at your feet.
(If you are sitting cross legged, you will find her under your knee, if
you are kneeling, she is behind you, if you are standing, you might step on
her if you aren't careful, etc.) Her approved scritch spots include behind
the ears, in a whole-head-cupped-under-palm kind of scritch, and the
shoulders.  If you leave the approved areas and begin scritching in other
places, (especially the tummy, as being tickled is unsightly) she will just
get up and leave.  No complaining, but she will give you a "how dare you"
look. :)
Cael: Cael is a very patient and affectionate ferret, though again, he
doesn't like to be held much.  Perhaps it is just that he rather you play
with him than hold him, but anyway.  He likes a good all-over scritch.
From ears to tail, all along the back, and on the ribs and belly,
especially under his arms.  He isn't ticklish in the least, he actually
rather enjoys being scritched in the typically tickly spots.  He allows
one good scritch on all the scritchy places, then he play-nips at you to
let you know it is time to do other, more entertaining things!
Tasha: Tasha is, as of yet, far too squirmy to scritch much at all, let
alone discern where she likes it best.  She is far too busy either sleeping
or bouncing around.  She is full of that amazing stuff - "kit energy."  I
swear, if there were a way to contain that stuff, we could do away with
power plants all together.
Our dear Booboo: Though he has gone to Rainbow Bridge, he is much missed,
and well remembered.  A months worth of time is barely enough to make his
passing real, let alone dull memories like where his favorite scritch sopt
was.  He was the most cuddly, affectionate ferret I have ever known.  He
loved to be held, and while we held him we would give tiny-scritches (Those
are scritches performed by only a finger and the thumb, very quickly) all
over, and then a good smooth-down.  He loved it.  (God I miss him)
Those are my ferrets' scritchy spots.  I find it ammusing that they are
so different for each ferret.   And to think - there are still people
in this world who honestly don't think that pets have personalities!
Melissa and the gang
[Posted in FML issue 2970]