The top ten reasons it's better to be a ferret than a human:
10. 9 to 5 means nine stuffed animals in this hidey hole and 5 cheweazels
    in the other, but...
9.  ...if you did have a boss and you bit him on the ankle, the most that
    would happen is a scruffin' and a time out!
8.  Infrequent baths!
7.  Toys, toys and more toys!
6.  You can stretch out and lay flat anytime you want!
5.  You can sleep in whatever position you want and never wake up with a
    stiff neck!
4.  When you're out it public-it's okay for people to fondle you!
3.  If you have an itch-you scratch it, if it's you're butt that
    itches-it's okay to rub it on the carpet!
2.  You can wear hair scrunchies and curlers on whatever part of your body
    you want and no one would think you were weird!
And the number one reason it's better to be a ferret than a human;
If you can't find a bathroom-it's okay to poop in a corner!
Judy Cooke
Tyson, Hope and Einstein
"The world is made up for the most part of morons and natural tyrants, sure
of themselves, strong in their own opinions, never doubting anything."
Clarence Darrow
[Posted in FML issue 2970]