Hi all
Well I am very upset and happy to.  My puter went up again and I waz so mad
I crossed da bridge and went to see da boss.  He waz not happy either so we
went right up to see da Big Boss.  He is very nice.  He put it right on hiz
list to fix right away.  Well it appeared today.  A brand new puter thing
with a big screen.  But it means dat I am behind on my greetings again.  It
is kinda hard for me to hold a pencil in my paws so my notes are not real
good.  If I miss anyone please bring it to my attention and I will try to
fix it.  I think this is going to be a long one.
A little guy came in today.  He said hiz name waz Tiger.  He seemed a
little confused as he said he felt great now.  I explained it to him and he
seemed satisfied.  He got da tour of da place He seemed interested in da
Ferritone Flood.  He went over there to lap up ferritone and maybe try out
da surfing a little.  When I left him he hadn't surfed yet but waz getting
up da nerve I guess.  He said to tell hiz mommy dat he luved her bunches
and not to worry he felt a lot better.
A little girl came in da same day.  She said her name was Kiki.  I showed
her around and she seemed a little interested in da Fruit Bar where she
sampled a few of da things, but waz mainly interested in da Ferretvite
Festival.  She said dat she luved dat stuff but wasn't able to eat it
lately.  She went over there and waz lapping it up like there waz no
tommorrow.  She did a little dancing to but was mainly interested in eating
and didn't seem concerned about her girlish figure.  She said to send her
luv to her mommy and lots of kisses.
A little girl came in da next day.  She said her name waz Little Bear.  She
was shown around da area.  She waz really interested in da Crazy Kars.  She
went over there and had a ride or two so I left her to it.  After a while I
got a complaint from some of da others dat da cars wouldn't go any more.
So I went over there and da reason dat they wouldn't go is because some of
them had tires missing.  I called maintenance to fix it but got curious and
follwed da drag marks to da source.  There waz Little Bear hiding them
away.  I told her she couldn't do dat but I don't think she listened.  She
said to give her mommy her luv and bring tires when she comes.
Another little guy came in da same day.  He said his name waz Kozi.  He waz
given da usual tour of da area.  He waz really inerested in da Fruit Bar.
He went over there and waz trying a little of everything.  He said he had
not had any of this for a while cause hiz mommy said it waz not good for
him and he waz sick.  But he said here he can have all he wants so he waz
pigging out on it.  I hope he doesn't go on a sugar high or something.  I
hate it when dat happens.  He said to give hiz mommy and grand mommy his
luv and lots of cuddles.
A little guy came in da next day.  He said hiz name waz Ozzie.  He waz met
by Peanut and Ally.  They went off chattting about home and getting da
news.  He waz headed for da Fuit Bar.  He pigged out there but he asked for
french fries and ice cream.  I said we didn't have any of those but it is
interesting cause I like those to, so maybe I can get them.  He also said
dat he was going over to Dirt Mountain and dig da biggest hole I had ever
seem.  I have to check him out later and see how big dat is.  He said to
give his mommy and daddy lots of luv and kisses.
Another little girl came in da same day.  She said her name was Missy.  She
waz greeted by Pasteur.  They seemed happy to see each other and went off
chatting.  They were headed in general area of da Tube Park.  I went over
there a little later and they were racing though da tunnels and tubes
playing tag.  I asked who waz it and they said does it matter.  I said no I
guess not as they seemed to be having loads of fun.  Missy said to tell her
mommy and daddy da she luved them a lot and to send lots of hugs.  She also
said to take good care of Lulu til her turn comes.
I hope I didn't miss anyone.  Now I can chew da eraser off this pencil Yum
Yum rubber.  Sorry this waz so long.  I hope it goes through.  Gotto go.
By BYe
[Posted in FML issue 2969]