Thank you to everyone that looked for Coco's food and especially those that
called the company trying to find it for us and those that called to let me
know what they found out (Shari, Phyllis, Becky, Joan).  Shari found 8 bags
and Becky and Steve found 2 so Coco should have enough for a year!  The
food should be here today and I'm anxious to go home so I can fill up the
bowl and put it right in front of Coco. :-)
Today is my leave early day because I have class tonight (State and local
government in case anyone is wondering).  I love going home early because I
always surprise the ferrets.  As soon as I quietly unlock the door and push
the door open I hear little feet scattering, only to see them peek out from
behind some piece of furniture.  Silly critters.  Even if I was a stranger
they'd still come out to greet me because they are so curious, so why the
scattering. ;-)   They always bring a smile to my face when they scatter
like that.  Sometimes I sneak up on them just for fun.  Minge (Minj) is
especially fun to startle as he lets out these funny noises as he heads for
the nearest tube.
Sunday night the ferrets were very much a handful.  I'd had 2 migraines
over the weekend so I wasn't at my best and their picking on each other
wore my nerves even thinner.  I finally started feeling human again around
8pm Monday night.  Of course by that time they were all their usual angel
selves, well ok, not quite angels but not little demons either.
Last night my 14 yr old dog snapped Doc.  Doc was pestering him.  Sunny is
a large mouthed dog so his warning snap, which usually misses, landed on
either side of Doc's face.  It wasn't a hard snap, just a warning but with
Sunny's miscalculation it surprised them both.  Sunny thought he was
hamburger and cringed as I stood over him reprimanding him.  Doc has a bit
of swelling where Sunny nailed him but it was his feelings that were hurt
more than anything.  Doc is very sensitive.  In other words, he can do
whatever he wants but if he gets hurt or disciplined, he blames it on me
and won't talk to me for a week or longer.  I suppose it is my fault, even
though I was sleeping, that Sunny got him when he was jumping into Sunny's
face (Doc does that and I've warned him before but he just doesn't listen).
sigh.  Of course now Doc gets tons of extra TLC in apologies for my lack of
preventing the incident.
Swiffer is urinating a bit on his own.  He goes to the paper and piddles
just a wee bit then I express the rest.  He is such a sweet boy.  Adrenal
too.  We have 3 that get pestered/picked on and all 3 are adrenal so
surgeries will be scheduled early spring.
This weekend I injured a finger. It made me realize I don't want to ever
get seriously hurt.  This group was full of it and I just know it was
cause they knew I was slightly handicapped. Little stinkers.....
My condolences to all whose little ones have left for the bridge.  Healing
hugs to all with sick babies.
Warm hugs to all. tle
 Troy Lynn Eckart
Ferret Family Services
Please sign up to support our charity
[Posted in FML issue 2969]