Just a couple miscellaneous things: first I was wondering, for the
anonymous poster that ferret-"proofed" a yard, how on earth do you
accomplish something like that?  I would love to be able to let my ferrets
roam outside without the constriction of a leash....but can't even begin to
think how to do that!  I would love to hear your tips!
Second, to Jodie who posted about water bowls that screw onto the cage,
okay, but what about my Molly, who will only drink water if she can spill
it first?  Even to the point where when I tried the spillproof bowls, she
got herself all dehydrated!  My solution (if anyone has a quirky ferret
like mine) was to put a small tippable bowl into a big bowl so Molly can
tip the little one without making a mess all over the floor.  So far so
Now if I could just figure out how to keep Merlin out of the trash, the
sofa, my mattress, my daughter's toybox, the plants......:-)
[Posted in FML issue 2968]