I'm sure this is something that shouldn't be posted that much, if it was
such advertising (free to pet stores) would be quite overwhelming.  I
am posting about this 6-month-old female ferret b/c it has been in this
particular pet store for a while, outlasting its two littermates by months.
I only go in there once every two or three months and the last 3 times
she's been there, sleeping away.
Briefly, she is a MF ferret with panda-type markings (I think).  She is
very (very) very pretty, 2 lbs at this point.  The pet store people are
nice, as nice as can be, and say they handle her daily.  she has nipping
problems (primarily with people she doesn't know who stick their fingers in
her cage) and so she has scared off every potential owner.  The pet store
people, I think, are fair enough to report this issue, though they also
say she does not bite people she knows.  She needs to go to an experienced
ferret home.
Every time I go in there I feel sorry for her.  She reminds me of my
youngest, Sybil, who also was quite nippy.  She did take some serious
handling when I first had her.  She fear-bit months and months after I
first got her.  I am absolutely in no way in any position to adopt another
ferret, but this girl looks like she just needs an understanding home.  The
pet store employees are really nice, and one of them has a ferret at home,
but they aren't there for her at night.
Anyway if anyone lives in Portland OR and wants to check her out I'll be
more than happy to email the name of the pet store (it's not a chain, by
the way).
[Posted in FML issue 2948]