Elvis Sightings: I'm happy to report that Elvis has made the transition
from single ferret to a happy part of my business of 12.  He was introduced
over the long weekend to the rest of the crew during playtime.  I let
everyone else get the crazies run and bounced out of them, and then I
brought down Elvis.  I had meant to introduce him to only a few of them at
a time, but he just jumped right in.  I stayed and supervised of course,
but nary a squeak was heard.  Not one little complaint from anyone.  Elvis
did about 5 circuits of the room, tail fluffed and head up.  At first one
of the girls, Skittles, followed on his tail but she eventually gave up.
Later on, another of the girls, Jenna, followed him around a few times.
Elvis ignored them in his explorations of the big room.  I finally gave up
the chase myself and went on with my chores.  I kept tabs on the group and
I never heard a single sound of squabbling.  In the end, Elvis ended up
curled up with Sam(Mr. 4+ pounds of happy Bumble) in a sleepy sack.  At the
end of the day, Elvis moved into the big cage with 4 other boys, Sam,
Mercury, Java and Jhonathan.  He was snoozing comfortably with Jhonathan as
I turned out the lights.  All's well that ends well.
In answer to the request for bottle brushes, I know someone has already
mentioned them, but I also use the brushes meant for fish tank supplies.
They're long enough, they're bendable to get around the inner edging, and
they're easily and cheaply replacable.  Mine have lasted over 2 years at
this point.
In reference to Lizzi's comment about her becoming more emotional, I'm
almost embarrassed to admit that I'm a total softy when it comes to sad
stories and happy endings.  This list has had me snuffling tears many a
time.  Watching Emergency Vets on Animal Planet is guaranteed to have me
sniffing before the end of each half hour.  And still I watch.  What I
learn for both of these sources make all the tears and sniffles worthwhile.
Don't you agree?
Anyway, it's late at night and I think I've missed the deadline for
Tuesday. Oh well...
The best to everyone!
Anastasia Kidd
[Posted in FML issue 2967]