Well, I have just completed my first batch of chicken gravy.  I did it a
little differently though.  I put the chicken in a crockpot and cooked it
before I put it through the meat grinder.  Only took about 15 minutes (if
that) to grind and combine the ingredients.  Then I put the mixture back
in the pot to simmer a little more and get a little thicker.  I let the
fuzzies take a taste.  Maggie liked the broth and the smaller pieces of
chicken, Butch had no interest but I have faith he will change his mind
in time.  It wasn't too difficult to grind since slow cooking the chicken
makes the bones soft and easier to grind up.  Do you experts out there
think it was OK to precook the chicken?  I don't want to loose the vitamin
value in the food.  I won't use it as an exclusive food since I don't want
it sitting out all day but I thought it would be a good treat at night
before we go to bed.  How do you guys use it?
Connie (I don't cook for myself and now I'm cooking for ferrets),
Butch (if it's not in kibble form or out of a tube I'm not touching it),
and Maggie (not sure what it is but I'll give it a whirl)
[Posted in FML issue 2967]