I just changed the style of litter box i use.  I went from a full size one,
to a corner pan.  The only problem is Scout refuses to use it.  He'll go in
the opposite corner of his cage.  I even tried switching the pan to the
corner he was using, he just kept right on using the "unprotected" corner.
This is driving me nuts!!  Especially from a ferret who never misses.  He's
even been known to crawl into the cat's litter box, while out on his daily
adventures.  Is this just a phase?  Will he ever get use to it?  I;m going
out today to buy him another pan to put in the opposite corner.  Hopefully
if I have all corners covered, he'll have no choice but to hit the right
While reading a book, I came across a verse from a Navajo song.  It
reminded me of our Rainbow Bridge, so I thought I'd share it:
    Walk on a rainbow trail; walk on a trail
    of song, and all about you will be beauty.
    There is a way out of every dark mist, over a rainbow trail.
Hugs and dooks to all!
Jodi and Scout
[Posted in FML issue 2966]