Dear People,
I received a personal e mail from Debbi concerning my statement,"the love
of a pet has no monetary value".  She assumed, she said, that I meant, "go
ahead with whatever is necessary, money doesn't matter", which I never
meant at all.  I am so cautious at vet offices, always doing only what is
pertinent...anyone who knows me will tell you what a tightwad I am.  I have
to be, because of our limited income.  My husband is a ranch hand, works
60-70 hour weeks, and makes only $22,000.  a year.  I work part time, at
two different jobs, and my income fluctuates.
Our family of three lives on a level quite under what is considered poverty
level .  I just meant that somehow we would get the money, rather than to
let Fang bleed to death or suffer needlessly.  I did sell two antiques to
help, and I am making payments to the vet.  What I meant was *how could I
NOT*?  I am the kind of person who would take out a loan if I had to.  I
buy most of our clothes at yard sales (I am the yard sale queen).  I clip
coupons for the grocery store , and we DON'T go out to eat , or go to the
movies.  The only reason I we have a computer is b/c I got a used one
through the school I work for.  We do okay on what we have, because I make
the most of every penny.  I don't have a cell phone, even though I want one
very badly.  My husband and son pack a cold lunch every day they head out
the door.  I filled my whole house with used (but cool) antiques I picked
up at auctions and yard sales since 1970.  We built our own house,
including chinking the logs, and even did our own plumbing.  We save money
every day by making choices not to live beyond our means.  When I acquired
Fang, I had no idea that ferrets were susceptible to so much disease and
such a financial drain.
If you remember reading my post about the poor ferret in the garage that I
rescued, you might recall that I couldn't consider keeping him due to the
financial reality of the situation.  He was not healthy, and I was caught
in the dreaded spot of not wanting him to suffer, but not being able to
keep him.  I don't believe that one should acquire more pets than they are
able to care for properly.  I only have one ferret because I can only
afford one.
Our love for Fang has no monetary value....this doesn't mean that I had an
extra *grand* hidden under the bed.  It means that I couldn't live with
myself if I let him go because I wasn't willing to sell something or borrow
the money.  Lots of people on here have a credit card option, and if
necessary, the minimum payment would work as a temporary fix.  I would wait
tables on the side if I had to, in order to pay for Fang's surgery.  I told
my husband I could go out on the corner of Main Street downtown and sell my
body for $5.00 a shot, and he said nobody would pay. <teehee>  I needed
that moment of humor, as my heart has been very heavy lately.
Okay, we've hashed this out on the FML already.  Some people can't pay for
surgeries.  I offended you by my saying what I did, but I really didn't
mean it like you took it.  I am cheap to the max.  My husband gets upset
with me b/c I won't buy his Yoplait Yogurt unless it is on sale.  My horse
trailer looks like it was in battle in World War 1.  I drove my last car
till it died at the age of 17.  I just will go to the end of the earth for
an animal I love, because my heart is part of who they are.  My love for
Fang is unconditional.  Yes, if it costs in the thousands, I would panic,
tear out my hair, and be in a constant state of murderous P.M.S.....but
the $700 that will probably be the total for all of this, will cause only
stress and depression until it is paid off.  That is nothing compared to
the joy in my heart to look in Fang's little beady eyes tonight when he
gets tucked in, and see the love and feel so blessed that he is here to
tuck in at all.
Happy Tails,
[Posted in FML issue 2966]