While reading the book Complete Guide to Ferrets by James McKay, I ran
across a topic to discuss.
The topic stated:
Ferrets gasping for breath are obviously showing symptoms of some form of
breathing difficulty; this may be heatstroke (see 'the sweats'), fluid on
the lungs or an obstruction of some kind.  Many obstructions can be removed
from a ferret's mouth with a cotton bud or even a finger.  Artificial
respiration, though difficult, is possible with ferrets.  If a ferret has
stopped breathing, rather than give mouth-to-mouth respiration, hold the
ferret by its hind legs and, keeping your arms straight, swing the animal
to the left and then to right.  This transfers the weight of the ferret's
internal organs on and off the diaphragm, causing the lungs to fill and
empty of air.  Keep this up until the ferret begins breathing on its own,
help arrives, or you believe the ferret to be beyond help.
This procedure has been used in the UK and Europe.  Does anyone know if
this procedure was used in the US? If so, how successful has it been?
Thanks in advance
[Posted in FML issue 2965]