First of all, who is this Lydia?  Why are you saying bad things about me
publicly, when you could email me privately?  I have no idea who you are
nor have I ever communicated with you before.  You are making assumptions
and judgements about me without knowing me or communicating with me.
Let me give you some input so that maybe next time, you will look into both
sides BEFORE publicly trying to humiliate someone.
I have two ferrets from the breeder that has blocked emails.  I AM NOT a
(as you put it) "potential owner".  When I purchased these animals from
her, she stated that she would always be available and that I should
contact her if questions arise.  She also told me that she tracks owners so
that she can find out if the ferrets she produces live a long time, health
issues, etc... Well, this breeder is friends with a some people here that
have taken someone's ferrets without authorization to do so (also known as
stealing).  When I told the breeder that I was going public with this info.
she blocked my emails.  You can draw your own conclusions as to why this
information could be damaging to her reputation, I only speculate.  I am
still surprised that this breeder supports this group o f people, knowing
they did this.  She had always had strong convictions and morals or it
appeared so when I met her.
In fact, this breeder emailed me yesterday, telling me that somebody told
her that I am getting rid of the two that I got from her.  Where this
person got this information is beyond me because my post on the FML was
pretty clear - these are not my ferrets.  I am simply acting as a placement
person for someone who is hearing impaired.  If this breeder were to look
at the records she has supposedly kept, she would have seen that my ferrets
are all under one year old and that none of them are albino.  She can email
me, but I can't email her?  Kind of childish if you ask me.
Next time you might want to stop and think, "gee, is there more to the
story?" As for ending my controversial emails with anything about flaming,
I do that because I realize that some of the things I bring up are
controversial.  I do not mind civil disagreements, and will try to see
where another person is coming from, BUT I don't like getting called names
or being insulted.
I do not feel it necessary to "defend" myself unless I see something that
is gibberish and makes no sense about me.
Those of you who wish to disagree with me, can do so privately or CIVILLY
on the FML.  Those who live in Washington State and have not met me, you
are welcome to come and do so at anytime.  There are two sides to every
story, I only speak from my own experiences.
"Look before you leap"
[Posted in FML issue 2964]