Hi Folks!!
Well after being on hold with the board of health, and arguing back and
forth about running a shelter, they told me ALL people harboring dogs, cats
and ferrets must get the vaccine.  I kid you not, I felt my heart plunge,
and I got so angry, and then I sat at my desk and started to cry.  All I
could say to the head of the ; health department was thanks a F****** lot.
You just gave a death sentence to allot of ferrets that the APL will not
handle, and you just closed my shelter.  He told me he was sorry and he
could empathize with me.  He used to have a puppy.
I was so mad and hurt at the idea that one of the installers came in to get
another job, looked at me and said I am sorry I will leave now, and not
bother you .  had to laugh, he looked terrified of me.  (And on some days,
they have good cause to be <G>)
Then I called the Animal Protective League, and spoke to the head person.
Well, he told me they were involved in drafting this new law, and soon it
will be state wide, but any non profit rescue ; or shelter is exempt from
it as long as it states in the adoption contract that the new owner must
comply with the law.
The Animal Protective League had argued that they place over 10,000 animals
a year, and just the cost of the syringe and vaccine would be impossible,
let alone the vet to give the shot.  That would add $20000.00 drain on
their budget.
So, he faxed me a copy of that section of the law, and I was very relieved.
I really was concerned about having to get rabies shots for all of the
So, I feel much better, the installer isn't scared of me at the moment, and
as long as the shelter remains, non profit, and in the good graces of the
City Animal Control, the county animal control, the board of health, the
APL and a few dozen other officials, we'll remain open.  (I hate politics)
Hug the fur angels for me.  Don't forget to shop IGIVE, or access Pets.com
through our site, or PetsMart.  The shelter makes a little bit off every
href=[ ttp://www.geocities.com/Petsburgh/Zoo/4627/"
Ferrets Unlimited Ferret Shelter web site</a> Jean <br>Ferrets Unlimited
Ferret Shelter
[Posted in FML issue 2964]