I am behind on the FML, had a stomach bug and ugh....
Anyway, I just saw all the posts today about Martins.  I posted a few days
ago about my new Martin cage coming home Saturday the 12th.  I am lucky
enough to be living about an hour or so from Skip and Diane, so I could
order a custom monster cage that could not be shipped.
Again I will sing the praises of Skip and Diane!  Not only did Skip make
my cage exactly to my drawing, he was wonderfully patient with all my
questions, made suggestions for sturdiness and threw in two extra doors in
case we wanted to add them later!  The cage is huge, stands about 5'7" (my
height and the top is just level with the top of my head!).  It is over 4'
wide and has 4 full levels (I don't like the half shelf things, especially
with the old guy who is a little wobbly sometimes).  Get the PVC cages,
they are wonderful to clean and won't rust.
Not only is my cage large, roomy, easy to clean and my dream cage, but it
is also a pretty handsome piece of furniture!!  Even my boyfriend commented
on how much nicer looking this cage is than the standard galvanized wire
cage we had.
Enough of the cage - Skip and Diane are simply wonderful people to deal
with.  Extremely nice, very honest and they truly love animals.  They live
on a large farm in Lancaster County with lots of pets.  Diane recently
stopped breeding her Shepards, but she has 4 beautiful dogs and some
fuzzies of her own in the living room!!!
The cost - well I guess overall I paid more than I would have for a store
bought cage, but the quality is like comparing apples to baseballs, not
even the same matter!!!  Plus I would never have found something this size.
I paid $320 for my new cage, but it is more than well worth it.
Okay, I like my cage, I'll stop rambling now!!!
Hugs to everyone,
Jen and Gang
[Posted in FML issue 2964]