Last year many of the "backyard" breeders here in Michigan chose to close
shop.  We rescued many of these little guys.  Among them was a V-Hob named
Pee Wee.  We thought that it may be an asset to keep him around in case the
need arose for his services.  As time went by, we realized that this was
not what we should do.  He would watch the other guys come out to play and
he had no one to romp with.  So, we decided to have him neutered.  Surgery
was done on a Sunday and it went quite well.  On Wednesday he decided, for
some strange reason, that he was going to chew himself open.  We ended up
in emergency surgery til 1:00 a.m. trying to repair the damage.  Doc G.
rigged a collar out of an old x-ray sheet and put it on him.  The wound
had to remain open due to a raging infection.  (He had been on Amoxy since
surgery).  Sitz baths twice a day, heavy anti-biotics were required.
Everything went along til Sunday.  He learned how to turn the collar to the
smallest part and chewed himself wide open again.  I called three different
vets (at home).  None were available!!!  Myself and two other people called
emergency vets in all areas.  I was told that they could do nothing due to
the extent of his injury.  Finally got a reply from Doc. G. and she said
that we had done all we could do.  Uncle Win came over Monday and he
devised a new collar (he is an engineer) and we put it in place.  Started
the sitz baths, the anti-biotics and a pain killer/sedative to keep Pee Wee
calm.  The rest was up to God.  Pee Wee is now almost completely healed.
The gaping wound (which was the size of a half dollar) has closed and he is
growing hair where he was shaved.  He still wears the collar and once we
have the ok from Doc we will take it off.
The object of this tale of woe, is to let people know that collars can
and do work.  You can view a picture of Pee Wees' collar and wound at
Loaned out the digital so the pictures are not up to date.
I am so relieved that Pee Wee is going to be just fine.  He has been such
a trooper, putting up with all he has to endure and not once showing any
signs of aggression, just acceptance.  I wish I had his stamina and
courage.  I wish I was able to accept things as they come the way he has.
[Posted in FML issue 2963]