well i'm not sure how everyone eles deals with this (and i haven't tried
a rice box for my bitties yet...but here goes)...i have a huge box that i
wall papers and cut a small hole (just the right size for bitties to crawl
through) in and put about a foot and a half of shredded paper in the
bottom..  and a bunch of hammocks for them to play in..they LOVE it..
however..lol shredded paper flew everywhere (even though the hole helped to
stop it better than the average box)... so i took a small box 9about 1 foot
by 1 foot and put it infront of the hole..that way when they jumped out..
and if any paper followed them..then it would just go into the box the
small *doormat box*..and i could pick up the box and dump it back into the
top of the big play box when they were done playing...it really works..
i'm sure you could do something like this with your rice box as well..
maybe put the rice box inside a bigger box so when they climb out..it all
goes into the box..or just figuer out some way to put the small box infront
of the hole (that is if your rice box has a hole)..  let me know how this
works out for your rice box!  i've been debating on weather i should give
them the rice box and spend all that time cleaning up rice or not when
they already have shredded paper to make a major mess with) lol
have a great day!
[Posted in FML issue 2963]