I have some info from a book that many don't have (to my knowledge) on
Aleutian Disease (Plasmacytosis).  The book is "Diseases of the exotic
animals medical and surgical management" by Wallach Boever.  "The name
Aleutian is derived from the original description of the diseased mink,
which were double recessive for the gunmetal color phase (Aleutian color)."
Here is how it got its name.
It has also been brought to my attention by a few people that were told
there are a lot of false positives on ferrets tested.  This is how the book
said it should be tested for.  "When checked by electrophoretic methods,
the IAT is 95% accurate.  The reagent for the IAT is made with 2gm iodine
crystals, 4gm potassium iodide, and 30ml distilled water.  To perform the
IAT, blood is collected in a nonheparinized capillary tube and centrifuged.
The serum is mixed on a glass slide with an applicator stick.  Clumping or
precipitation within a few seconds indicates a positive reaction."
Well, If the need does arrive on this side of the states (west), I am
planning a move to a new home soon and in the search will look for a place
to house my regular rescues and one that has the ability to house in a
sperate building ferrets ill with this so they may live there life out
instead of being euth.  Of course the strictest quar of these ferrets will
be maintained as anyone who knows me can tell you I am very cautious about
the spreading of illnesses.  hope this time finds many of you well.
Tracy Kilmer
Director/ Founder
est. 1991
Ferret Rescue Of Spokane WA
[Posted in FML issue 2947]